SkyeText includes a total of 20 free emoticons (or 'smilies' as they're also known) that can be used whenever you send a text. After installing the app, whenever you click the 'New Message' icon on your S60 phone you'll have the option to select 'SkyeText' before you start composing your text. With this option selected you'll be able to insert the smilies by choosing 'Insert emoticon' from the 'Options' menu when you're writing. The SkyeText emoticons will automatically be used when you enter shortcuts, such as ':)' or ':D' or '8)'.
If you send as many texts as I do then you're probably sick of adding the same old smiley face expressions to your messages. With SkyeText you can liven up your SMS a bit by adding a new set of emoticons to your phone.
As you've probably guessed, SkyeText is very simple to use, and won't take you long to get your head around. The 20 emoticons included are all very well designed, and each face has bags of character. It's a shame they are all essentially based around the same visage though, so you won't find any cute animals or animated creatures here.
The biggest downer though is the fact that in order for the emoticons to show up in the message, the person you are sending the SMS to also has to have SkyeText installed. And the chances of convincing all of your friends to install it are pretty slim, I would imagine. The trial of the program is also pretty limited, with full functionality only lasting for one day.
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If you send as many texts as I do then you're probably sick of adding the same old smiley face expressions to your messages. With SkyeText you can liven up your SMS a bit by adding a new set of emoticons to your phone.
As you've probably guessed, SkyeText is very simple to use, and won't take you long to get your head around. The 20 emoticons included are all very well designed, and each face has bags of character. It's a shame they are all essentially based around the same visage though, so you won't find any cute animals or animated creatures here.
The biggest downer though is the fact that in order for the emoticons to show up in the message, the person you are sending the SMS to also has to have SkyeText installed. And the chances of convincing all of your friends to install it are pretty slim, I would imagine. The trial of the program is also pretty limited, with full functionality only lasting for one day.
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